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Jr. Cheer Coach App.

This is required information for the Whitney Junior Wildcats student instructor positions. Individuals wishing to participate as instructors need to be aware of the required activities and time commitment to support the program. As we are limited to the amount instructors we can take (SAC League rule), priority will go to those committed to attending camps/clinics, practices (when they don't interfere with HS Cheer practice), games, and competitions. 

The following service commitments are required of all instructors:

-Preseason Clinics
-WJW Mission
-WJW Code of Ethics

Click the checkbox below to accept this Agreement:

WJW does not allow anyone who has EVER been convicted of a felony or any crime involving theft, violence, a sex crime, or a crime against children to be on staff.

I affirm that the statement above does not disqualify me from eligibility to serve as a WJW staff member.

I understand that by signing below, I acknowledge that the above information is true and any acts of perjury justify dismissal. I will abide by the WJW coaches handbook and code of ethics. 

I accept the above
You accept the above Agreement
Your birth date
Open the calendar popup.
What grade will you be in for the 2025/2026 school year?
Cell Phone
Format: ###-###-####
Best Email Contact
Shirt Size
Medical Issues
Do you have any medical issues that you want WJW staff to be aware of?
Emergency Contact
provide emergency contact information for a parent or guardian, including Name, Relationship, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address.
Do you cheer for WHS
Please select answer that best fits
Cheer Skill Strength
What are you most comfortable teaching?
Please list your availability and commitment level or any conflicts you may have

Required Fields